Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Alexandra Zealand in the New Gallery January 9

Saturday, January 9 – March 13
Side Gallery on the second floor
Reception: 3-5PM February 6, 2010

Alexandra Zealand is a sculptor living and working in Northern Virginia. Originally trained in theatre design, she made the transition to more intimate spaces, and received an MFA in Sculpture from Pratt Institute, in 2003.

Using what many might consider “ kitchen trash” i.e. used coffee filters, grape stem clusters, orange peels, her creations range from intimate delicate sculptures to wall sized installations. Zealand says, ”I am inspired by the transformative process of massing, which causes 'gross trash' objects to become beautiful, dynamic sculpture when gathered together. Through this transformation, I also explore our eternal quest to stop - or at least slow down - the ephemeral, fundamental nature of the organic: to die”.

Although the assemblage of found objects is a time-honored tradition in fine art, as the viewer approaches one of Zealand’s sculptures--hanging from the ceiling or displayed on a pedestal, there is moment of recognition, both delightful and transformative.

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